When you decide you want to know how to sell online, you'll find that online auctions and your own Web store are just two of many ways to generate revenue on the Internet. The key, no matter which option you choose, is to go ahead and get started. Learn how to sell online and start making extra money right now, and then grow your online business into a full time income. It is fairly easy to make money with Craigslist if you know how to take advantage of it. You may find it to be a goldmine. There are millions worldwide who use the online classifieds known as Craigslist. It doesn't really matter what it is you are offering, more than likely there is a large portion of your niche market that is likely using it to find what you are offering.
It could be anything from music, to new or used cars, to real estate and mortgages, furniture, insurance, books, or pretty much anything you can think of and people are going there to find it. People love to find a bargain and get the cheapest prices for what they want and they are turning to Craigslist to find it.
You may be asking yourself, "How does Craigslist make money?"If you have a product or service of any kind you are very likely going to be able to find buyers or subscribers there, lots of them. As long as you use some creativity and ingenuity you can make a strong offer that people using Craigslist will respond to. Writing copy is very important as you have to be able to have it re-written so that it will fit in as many categories as possible.
Customize it for the different groups you would like to reach. It will only take a little tweaking to make it fit the different categories so don’t feel that you need to do a major reworking of the offer. Don’t be afraid to be creative with the way you phrase your offer. You want to catch people’s attention.
When you are constructing your post on Craigslist you are going to also make sure to have a title for the ad that will give the prospect a reason to click it. They are going to be looking at several things similar to your offer so make sure that you have all the key elements and also a price that will grab their attention.
Those using Craigslist are used to getting quick responses so if you aren't able to shoot them an email whenever they send you are quest of show interest use an auto responder. Anyone who wants to make money with Craigslist is going to have to learn how to deal with buyers who want attention quick. If you can't respond fast enough you will lose the sale to someone else.
It will be important to make use of all the tools they have to offer to make the most money at Craigslist. They have a tool called AdNotifier that will alert you to new ads being posted in your category. It is always good to check it out and make sure that you are still competitive. Remember when you are constructing your post that there are others wanting to make money with Craigslist who will be doing the same. Also use your post to draw attention to your websites using links and HTML.
As with anything, make sure that you know all the terms and conditions well and that you follow them. It is a great tool to use but will only be effective if you use it properly.
Consider Craigslist as another storefront and a great opportunity to get more customers. There are plenty of people out there needing what you can offer them. Done right you will find that it is very easy to grow your business and make money with Craigslist.
Google’s page rank is a patented algorithm. Google considers more than half a billion variables when determining your rank on the search results.
No one person knows what all of these variables is not even the person who oversees the code. So, anyone claiming to be a Google rank check authority should be viewed with caution.
Still, there are some things we do know about how page rank works.
Google flat out says that pages they believe are important get a higher page rank than others. Pages with higher rank tend to appear higher in the search results, though you will see page rank5 pages occasionally ranking higher than page rank 7 pages for a specific search.
Google also sees the links on a page acting as a “vote” for other pages. So, if a highly ranked page links to your site, you get more “juice” out of it than when a friend with no page rank links to your site.
Most experts agree that backlinks from .gov and .edu sites to have higher link juice than other top level domains because they are restricted to not for profit sites.
One way to get .edu links is to take out online ads on college newspaper sites.
But, any links from PR 2 or higher sites can help your page rank. One way to get links is to post comments on with decent page rank. But make sure that Google “follows” the links on the page first. Some webmasters set their sites up so that you don’t get any link juice from your posts. You can do this by downloading free software on the internet.
Other ideas for increasing page rank include:
Join forums and post a link back to your website in your signature.
Every time you make a post, you'll get link juice.
Submit your site to directories. Each directory which lists you will give you more of a chance of being listed higher in Google’s search results.
Add an ezine to your site. Not only will this allow you to keep up with the people who visit your site, but you can also post information about your ezine to ezine directories.
Publish articles on the article sites. You can drive traffic to your sites this way. But, high PR article sites also give you link juice. Create a sitemap on your website. This lets Google know how to index your page.
Link to other pages within your web site. Putting links to the internal pages within the web site allows you to increase your link juice.
Continue building pages within your site. Every page you create and link back to your home page increases the strength of your home page’s PR.
To do a Google rank check, you can install the Google toolbar to your Firefox browser.
You can download the tool at:
This will give you the page rank of every page you visit.
A Google rank check will allow you to know how your site is faring compared to similar sites so that you can take the steps needed to
increase your ranking.
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