Saturday, February 19, 2011

All About Internet Marketing #8

Do you want to improve your internet marketing strategy for your business?  Have you found that what you are currently doing is not taking you far enough?  Are you struggling to get to the next level? The best thing you can do to improve internet marketing strategy is to value your customers.

Unfortunately, many marketers see their customers as “marks.”  If they buy your snake oil and don’t like it, there are millions of more fish in the sea.  But if you want to improve internet marketing strategy, you need to change your mind set.

A customer relationship is a valuable thing.  There are two parts to this.  It is much more expensive to acquire a customer than it is to keep one.  Once you have sold a product to a satisfied customer, they are much more likely to come back for more.

That’s one reason why it is important to develop and maintain a list. Once you have established value with a customer, you are able Togo back to them with new product offers.   Customers buy from people they trust.

This is true whether you are selling affiliate products or your own products.  If you are selling affiliate products, and people trust you to make recommendations, they will buy through your links.

Think about the books that serve as “guides” for travelers.  Hotels fight to get “5 star” ratings from various directories because it can significantly increase their business.  Affiliate programs should be vying to have you recommend them because a recommendation from you should bring in a flood of traffic.

If you are selling your own products, this remains true as well.  If you sell a customer an initial product and he or she likes it, they will probably be interested in a similar product you have to sell as well.

Bring them into your product funnel.  You should plan up sells and down sells for each product you sell.  Look at ways to repackage the products to add value.  For instance, you can turn an eBook into an audio book and sell it again.  Or, you can turn a bunch of short reports into one package.

If you value your customers, you will improve internet marketing strategy all around.

P. T. Barnum is “famous” for saying, “there’s a fool born every minute.”  The truth is there is absolutely no record of him saying this.  Joe Vitale named his biography of Barnum “There’s a Customer Born Every Minute.”  That’s the mind set you should have if you want to really improve internet marketing strategy.

If you see the people on your list and the people who visit your website as customers, you will develop relationships that will last for many years.  If you treat them as “fools” they may buy once, but they will be loath to ever purchase something from you again.

Furthermore, when you treat people as “marks,” it cheapens the whole buying online experience in general.  It drives people to “big names” like Amazon rather than the smaller distributors who can offer real value.

Don’t fall into the “fool” trap. See and treat your customers as valuable because they are.  That’s how you improve internet marketing results.

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